In Saint-Emilion, a charming village nestled in the heart of the Bordeaux wine region, lies a treasure trove of the finest wineries waiting to be explored. From family-run estates to world-renowned vineyards, the area boasts an impressive selection of wineries that delight both connoisseurs and wine enthusiasts alike. With its rich heritage, picturesque landscapes, and renowned wines, Saint-Emilion offers an unforgettable experience for anyone seeking to indulge in the world of exquisite wine. Join us as we uncover the best wineries in Saint-Emilion, where every sip tells a story and every visit leaves a lasting impression.

Best Wineries In St Emilion

Chateau Angelus

History and Background

Located in St Emilion, Chateau Angelus is one of the most esteemed wineries in the region. With a rich history dating back to the 18th century, this beautiful estate has been owned by the de Bouard de Laforest family for over 200 years. The chateau itself is a stunning architectural masterpiece, with its iconic bell tower symbolizing its name, which translates to “Angelus” in Latin, meaning angel.

Wine Tasting and Tours

When you visit Chateau Angelus, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of fine wines. The estate offers guided tours that take you through the lush vineyards, where you can learn about the meticulous grape cultivation and harvesting techniques that contribute to the creation of their exceptional wines. After the tour, you can indulge in a wine tasting session, savoring the complex flavors and aromas that make Chateau Angelus wines truly exceptional.

Unique Features

One of the unique features of Chateau Angelus is its classification as a Premier Grand Cru Classe A vineyard, the highest possible ranking in the St Emilion classification system. This prestigious designation is reserved for the best wineries in the region, recognizing their exceptional quality and consistency. Additionally, Chateau Angelus is known for its use of innovative winemaking techniques, blending tradition with modernity to create wines that stand the test of time.

Chateau Ausone

Historical Significance

Chateau Ausone is a winery steeped in history and holds significant importance in the world of winemaking. With roots dating back to the Roman era, this vineyard has been producing wines for centuries. Its name is derived from the Latin name of the poet Ausonius, who owned the estate in the 4th century. The vineyard has witnessed various changes and ownership over the years, but its commitment to producing exceptional wines remains unwavering.

Wine Varieties

When you visit Chateau Ausone, you can expect to taste a range of extraordinary wines that showcase the unique terroir of the estate. They specialize in the production of both red and white wines, with their red wine blends predominating. Merlot and Cabernet Franc are the primary grape varieties grown on the property, resulting in bold and elegant red wines that are cherished by wine enthusiasts worldwide. The estate also produces small quantities of white wine, made from Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon grapes.

Tasting Room and Visits

Chateau Ausone offers an exquisite tasting room experience for wine enthusiasts looking to explore the flavors of their wines. A visit to the estate provides a chance to witness the beautiful vineyards up close and gain insight into the winemaking process. The knowledgeable staff will guide you through a tasting session, sharing their expertise and helping you appreciate the nuances of each wine. The elegant surroundings and warm hospitality make for an unforgettable experience at Chateau Ausone.

Chateau Cheval Blanc

Famous Terroir

Chateau Cheval Blanc is renowned for its exceptional terroir, which plays a vital role in the characteristics of their wines. Situated on the border between the Saint-Emilion and Pomerol appellations, the estate benefits from a unique combination of clay, limestone, and gravel soils. This terroir, coupled with the perfect microclimate, allows the grapes to reach optimal ripeness, resulting in wines of exceptional quality and complexity.

Wine Production and Techniques

Chateau Cheval Blanc prides itself on its commitment to traditional winemaking techniques, combined with continuous innovation. The estate follows strict sustainable farming practices, ensuring that the land is nurtured while preserving its natural balance. Grapes are hand-harvested and meticulously sorted to ensure only the finest fruit is used in the winemaking process. The wines are aged in French oak barrels, allowing them to develop their unique flavors and obtain the desired complexity.

Special Experiences

A visit to Chateau Cheval Blanc offers more than just a tasting experience. The estate provides unique opportunities for wine enthusiasts to delve deeper into the world of winemaking. From vineyard tours led by knowledgeable guides to blending workshops where you can create your own personalized wine, there are numerous special experiences to choose from. These immersive experiences give you a behind-the-scenes look at the craftsmanship and dedication that goes into producing Chateau Cheval Blanc wines.

Chateau Canon

Family Heritage

Chateau Canon is a winery that has been passed down through generations, preserving the family heritage and traditions. With roots dating back to the 18th century, this estate has been owned by the Fournier family since 1919. The family’s commitment to excellence and innovation has allowed them to create wines that truly reflect the essence of the region.

Wine Cellars and Facilities

A visit to Chateau Canon offers a glimpse into its impressive wine cellars and state-of-the-art facilities. The traditional stone cellars, which date back to the 18th century, provide an atmospheric setting for aging the wines. The estate has also invested in modern winemaking equipment, allowing for precise control over the fermentation and aging processes. This blend of tradition and innovation ensures that Chateau Canon consistently produces exceptional wines.

VIP Experience

For those seeking an extraordinary wine experience, Chateau Canon offers a VIP experience that goes beyond the conventional visit. This exclusive tour allows you to explore the vineyards with a private guide, gaining insights into the estate’s winemaking philosophy and the importance of terroir. Following the tour, you will be treated to a private tasting session, where you can sample the exceptional wines produced by Chateau Canon. This personalized experience is designed to create lasting memories for wine enthusiasts.

Best Wineries In St Emilion

Chateau Pavie

Renowned Vineyard

Chateau Pavie is known for its prestigious vineyard, which spans over 37 hectares of land. The vineyard’s location on the slopes of St Emilion contributes to the unique characteristics and flavors of the wines produced here. The vines benefit from optimal sun exposure, while the limestone-rich soil ensures sufficient drainage, resulting in wines that are both complex and well-structured.

Winemaking Process

At Chateau Pavie, the winemaking process is a delicate balance between tradition and innovation. The estate incorporates biodynamic practices into its viticulture, ensuring that the grapes are grown and harvested in harmony with nature. Grapes are hand-picked and sorted, allowing only the best fruit to be used in the winemaking process. The wines are then aged in French oak barrels, allowing them to develop their rich flavors and elegant tannins.

Exclusive Tastings

Visitors to Chateau Pavie have the opportunity to indulge in exclusive tastings, where they can explore the diverse range of wines produced by the estate. The knowledgeable staff will guide you through a sensory journey, where you can appreciate the unique characteristics of each wine. This intimate tasting experience allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the winemaking process and the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into every bottle of Chateau Pavie wine.

Chateau Belair-Monange

History and Renovation

Chateau Belair-Monange has a rich history that dates back to the 18th century when it was originally known as Chateau Belair. Over the years, the estate has undergone significant renovations and improvements, including the construction of a modern winery facility. The recent addition of “Monange” to the name pays tribute to the late Jean-Pierre Moueix, who played a vital role in the revitalization of the estate.

Wines and Blends

The wines produced by Chateau Belair-Monange are a testament to the estate’s commitment to excellence. The vineyards are predominantly planted with Merlot grape varieties, which thrive in the unique terroir of St Emilion. These grapes are carefully blended with Cabernet Franc to create wines that are both powerful and elegant. The meticulous attention to detail and the pursuit of perfection result in exceptional wines that reflect the essence of the estate.

Private Visits and Events

Chateau Belair-Monange offers private visits and events, allowing guests to experience the estate’s wines in an intimate setting. The estate’s elegant reception area provides the perfect backdrop for private tastings, where you can sample the wines at your own pace. The knowledgeable staff are on hand to guide you through the tasting, sharing their expertise and insight into the winemaking process. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to immerse yourself in the world of wine, a private visit to Chateau Belair-Monange is an unforgettable experience.

Best Wineries In St Emilion

Chateau Figeac

Historical Background

Chateau Figeac boasts a rich historical background that spans over two centuries. This prestigious estate has been producing wines since the 2nd century and is considered one of the oldest wine properties in the region. Over the years, the estate has been meticulously maintained and preserved, ensuring that its historical significance is recognized and celebrated.

Wine Varieties and Aging

When you visit Chateau Figeac, you will have the opportunity to taste their exceptional wines, which are known for their elegance and finesse. The estate’s vineyards are planted with a blend of grape varieties, including Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon. This unique combination of grapes, coupled with the estate’s terroir, results in wines that are balanced and age-worthy. The wines are aged in both French oak barrels and concrete vats, allowing them to develop complexity and mature gracefully over time.

Cellar Tour and Tastings

A visit to Chateau Figeac is incomplete without exploring its remarkable cellar, which showcases the estate’s rich winemaking history. The cellar tour takes you through the underground tunnels, where you can witness the aging process and gain insight into the estate’s winemaking techniques. Following the tour, you can indulge in a tasting session, where you can savor the nuances and flavors of Chateau Figeac’s exceptional wines. The cellar ambiance and the passionate staff make for an unforgettable wine experience.

Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse

Winemaking Tradition

Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse is a winery deeply rooted in tradition, with a winemaking history that dates back to the 19th century. The estate’s dedication to quality and authenticity is reflected in its wines, which are highly regarded by connoisseurs around the world. The winery’s commitment to tradition shines through in every aspect of the winemaking process, from the vineyard management to the meticulous attention paid to each grape during harvest.

Selection and Blends

Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse is known for its dedication to producing wines of exceptional character and complexity. The estate carefully selects the grapes used in its blends, ensuring that only the finest fruit is used in the winemaking process. The primary grape varieties grown on the estate are Merlot and Cabernet Franc, which are skillfully blended to create wines that are both powerful and elegant. The emphasis on quality and craftsmanship results in wines that are celebrated for their balance and depth.

Personalized Wine Experiences

A visit to Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse offers a range of personalized wine experiences for enthusiasts looking to explore the estate’s offerings further. The estate’s knowledgeable staff will guide you through a tasting session, where you can sample the estate’s exceptional wines and gain insights into their unique characteristics. Additionally, the winery offers vineyard tours, where you can witness the meticulous grape cultivation practices and learn about the estate’s winemaking philosophy. These personalized experiences allow you to immerse yourself in the world of Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse and discover the passion behind their exceptional wines.

Chateau Troplong Mondot

Rich History and Estate

Chateau Troplong Mondot boasts a rich history that stretches back centuries, with wine production dating back to the 18th century. Situated on the hills of St Emilion, the estate spans over 33 hectares of vineyards, which benefit from optimal sun exposure and unique soil composition. The combination of history, terroir, and skilled winemaking has contributed to the estate’s reputation as one of the finest in the region.

Winemaking Process

At Chateau Troplong Mondot, winemaking is a careful, labor-intensive process that prioritizes quality above all else. The estate follows sustainable farming practices, working in harmony with nature to produce grapes of exceptional quality. Grapes are hand-harvested and sorted to ensure that only the best fruit is used in the winemaking process. The wines are then aged in French oak barrels, allowing them to develop their distinctive flavors and elegant structure.

Unique Hospitality Services

Chateau Troplong Mondot offers a range of unique hospitality services, allowing visitors to experience the estate’s wines and ambiance in an intimate setting. The estate’s elegant reception area provides the perfect backdrop for private tastings, where experienced staff will guide you through the estate’s range of exceptional wines. Additionally, the estate offers guided tours that take you through the vineyards and cellars, providing insight into the winemaking process. The warm hospitality and personalized attention ensure that your visit to Chateau Troplong Mondot is truly unforgettable.

Chateau La Gaffeliere

Vineyard and Terroir

Chateau La Gaffeliere is known for its exceptional vineyard and unique terroir. Situated on the southern slopes of the St Emilion appellation, the estate benefits from a favorable microclimate and diverse soil composition. The vineyard is planted with a variety of grape varieties, including Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Cabernet Sauvignon, which are carefully nurtured to produce grapes of exceptional quality and concentration.

Wine Production and Aging

When it comes to wine production, Chateau La Gaffeliere focuses on quality and precision. The estate follows sustainable viticultural practices, ensuring that the vineyards are cared for in an environmentally friendly manner. Grapes are hand-harvested and sorted, with only the finest fruit making its way into the winemaking process. The wines are then aged in French oak barrels, allowing them to develop complexity and finesse over time.

Tailored Wine Tours

Chateau La Gaffeliere offers tailored wine tours that provide visitors with an opportunity to explore the estate and discover its exceptional wines. Guided by knowledgeable staff, you will have the chance to wander through the vineyards, learning about the estate’s viticultural practices and the factors that contribute to the unique characteristics of their wines. Following the tour, you will be treated to a tasting session, where you can savor the flavors and aromas of Chateau La Gaffeliere’s remarkable wines. The personalized approach and attention to detail make for a memorable wine experience.

In conclusion, the wineries of St Emilion offer a remarkable range of experiences for wine enthusiasts. From the rich history and unique terroir of Chateau Angelus to the personalized wine experiences at Chateau Beausejour Duffau-Lagarrosse, each estate has something unique to offer. Whether you are interested in the winemaking process, the history of the region, or simply enjoying exceptional wines, a visit to these wineries is sure to be a delightful and memorable experience.


Hello, I'm Erez, the author behind The Golden Age Tour. I'm thrilled to take you on a marvelous journey through the wonders of France. From the grand chateaux to the charming countryside inns, I'll guide you to the best experiences this enchanting country has to offer. Join me as we explore the finest activities, indulge in delicious wine-tasting in Bordeaux vineyards, and stroll along the romantic Seine under the moonlight. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, my tailored travel insights, hotel recommendations, and bespoke activity guides will ensure you discover the golden beauty of La Belle France. Let's embark on this timeless adventure together.